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9/11: The view from my window

  • Featuring: Kris Gould & Scott Acord
  • Date Submitted: Aug 17, 2023
  • Location: Oregon

Kris heard a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, where she had worked until about six months prior. She assumed it was a small plane, and went to work. Once there, Kris realized a large plane had struck the tower and that it was not an accident. She and her colleagues stood silent at the window as they watched the towers burn and collapse. Stunned, she left and walked home in a daze. She says talking about the tragedy helped her process and heal. Edit credit: Sean Collins


  • Kris Gould
  • Scott Acord
  • 9/11
  • September 11, 2001
  • Terrorist
  • World Trade Center
  • New York City
  • Twin Towers